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Customer Service

Shipping & Delivery
RailTractiondelivers products as digital downloadable content. You can download these products immidiately after buying. The products will be available online after your purchase. So if needed, you can always download your product again. You can find this option in your personal account.

RailTraction informs you about new updates with a newsletter. Updates are free of charge (unless otherwise mentioned) and can be downloaded from your personal account.

Returns & Replacements
Because of the nature of the product which RailTraction offers to the Customer (downloadable content), the Customer cannot return Downloads once purchased to RailTraction and the purchase price of a Download will never be repaid.
Payment, Pricing & Promotions
RailTraction makes use of different payment options. Some of them are processed by Sisow. At the moment, RailTraction gives you the following payment options:
  • Paypal
  • MisterCash
  • SofortBanking
  • Banktransfer ( IBAN / Sepa ) 

Modding and Customization

Railtraction Product Usage Guidelines
Please note that sharing of original Railtraction product  files or making modifications to them is strictly prohibited. Mods are only allowed if they are entirely your own creation and do not contain any original Railtraction product files. Any mods or modifications must receive prior approval from Railtraction.

Exceptions to this rule include repaints and input mappers, which can be created without prior permission.